Black & Wh
ite Me dia se rves as an in formative hub for the ca sino ga ming co mmunity, of fering reviews of re putable and se cure ga mbling si tes, al ong with ca sino-related re sources and ad vice. The in formation pr ovided ai ms to as sist ca sino en thusiasts in ma king in formed de cisions re garding th eir on line ga ming ac tivities. We ri gorously ve rify age (2 1+), en sure the fa irness of ca sino so ftware, and pr omote ef forts to co mbat ga mbling ad diction. It 's im portant to no te th at Bl ack & Wh ite Me dia is so lely in tended for in formational pu rposes and do es not pr ovide any ac tual ca sino ga mes to pl ay; the re sponsibility for ga ming li es with the in dividual ca sinos. Us ers mu st be of le gal age (o ver 21 ye ars old or as per the le gal age re quirement in th eir co untry of re sidence) to re gister an ac count and pa rticipate in on line ca sino ga ming. Bl ack & Wh ite Me dia re tains the ri ght to mo dify the co ntent of the si te at any ti me wi thout pr ior no tice. Ho wever, us ers sh ould al ways be aw are th at pl aying at on line ca sinos en tails in herent ri sks and sh ould pr oceed with caution.ex
ternal li nks to 3' rd pa rty websitesBlack & Wh
ite Me dia fe atures li nks to ex ternal we bsites. We do not re present any on line ga ming si tes and as sume no li ability for the co ntent or us age of any si te ac cessed through Bl ack & Wh ite Me dia. The in clusion of li nks to ot her websites do es not si gnify our en dorsement or re sponsibility for any in accuracies or in completeness in th eir co ntent. We be ar no re sponsibility for the co ntent of th ese ex ternal si tes. Un der no ci rcumstances sh all we be li able for any lo ss, da mage, ob ligation, or ex pense in curred or su ffered as a re sult of us ing th ese si tes. It 's im portant to no te th at so me of the li nks pr ovided on Bl ack & Wh ite Me dia are af filiate li nks. We may re ceive co mpensation or co mmissions fr om co mpanies wh ose se rvices are ad vertised through th ese li nks. Ho wever, it 's cr ucial to un derstand th at th is do es not in fluence our ev aluation pr ocess of ca sino si tes or the cr eation of our reviews.RESPONSIBLE GA
ite Me dia is de dicated to pr oviding its me mbers with a re sponsible ga ming en vironment. We pl ace hi gh im portance to cr eating a sa fe en vironment for our pl ayers and pr eventing co mpulsive us age of our ga ming pr oducts, as we ll as un derage access. As a re sponsible, re gulated ga ming co mpany, we co mply with all the ne cessary gu idelines and regulations. In or der to do so, Bl ack & Wh ite Me dia im plemented the mo st ad vanced sa fety me asures as follows:PROTECTION OF MINORS
Minors un
der the age of 21 (or the age of le gal co nsent in yo ur ju risdiction) are pr ohibited to pl ay in Bl ack & Wh ite Me dia’s on line ga mes. Our on line ca sino ga mes are not de signed for ch ildren or ad olescents. We ac tively di scourage and tr ack mi nors un der the age of 21 (or the age of le gal co nsent in yo ur ju risdiction) who at tempt to pl ay at our websites and im mediately bl ock th eir access. Along with th is, as in ternet se rvices are ac cessible all ov er, we re commend pa rents to in stall ch ild pr otection so ftware in or der to bl ock ac cess of mi nors fr om ga mbling websites.Tips for parents:
Do not le[email protected]
ave yo ur co mputer un attended wh en the ca sino we bsite is ru nning. Pl ease ta ke extra ca re to en sure th at our se rvice is not ac cessible to ch ildren through yo ur devices. Protect yo ur ga mbling pr ograms with pa ssword and ke ep yo ur lo gin de tails out of re ach of children. Do not al low mi nors un der the age of 21 (or the age of le gal co nsent in yo ur ju risdiction) to pa rticipate in any ga mbling activity. Inform yo ur ch ildren ab out the il legality and the po tential da mage of un derage gambling. Limit the am ount of ti me yo ur ch ildren sp end online. Important: No so ftware is fr ee of ho les. If you kn ow a mi nor un der the age of 21 (or the age of le gal co nsent in yo ur ju risdiction) who is re gistered to our si te, pl ease no tify us as so on as po ssible atPREVENTING CO
jority of me mbers pl ay for fun and en tertainment, so me pl ayers de velop ad diction to on line ga ming. Lo sing si gnificant am ount of mo ney as a re sult of ga mbling can le ad to di fferent pr oblems in all ma jor ar eas of life. We ta ke th is is sue ve ry se riously and th erefore im plemented the fo llowing me asures to he lp co ping with addiction: Our pr ofessional em ployees are tr ained to be ab le to de tect co mpulsive ga mbling and un derage ga mbling. On ce de tected, ap propriate ac tions are taken. Self-exclusion pr ogram wh ich al low an ea sy way to re quest ca ncelling of me mbership. Sh ortly af ter the re quest is re ceived by us, we wi ll bl ock the me mber’s account. Allowing the me mber to set his own de posit am ount limit. Removing the me mber fr om our em ail li st up on wr itten request.Important:
Counselling pr
oved to have a ma jor po sitive ef fect on pe ople who are pr one to co mpulsive gambling. Gambling is a fo rm of en tertainment on ly, it do es not re place in come fr om ot her so urces. Ne ver bet yo ur re nt mo ney and mo ney you ne ed for ev eryday necessity. Gambling is a ga me of ch ance, wi nning is not gu aranteed in any stage. Make su re th at the de cision to ga mble is yo ur own and th at you we re not in fluenced by others. Never try to ch ase yo ur lo sses. Ch eck the am ounts you sp end on a re gular basis. Make su re you kn ow the ru les of the ga mes you play. Moderation is the key to av oid ad diction to ga mbling. Be aware.SEEK HELP
The fo
llowing qu estions wi ll he lp you un derstand if you have an ad diction problem: Do you ga mble in or der to av oid co ping with yo ur ev eryday life? Do you mi ss wo rk or sc hool in or der to gamble? Have you lo st in terest in yo ur fa mily, fr iends or hobbies? Do ot her pe ople cr iticize yo ur ga mbling habits? Do you ga mble all yo ur mo ney, in cluding the mo ney su pposed to be us ed for re nt and bills? Have you ev er li ed to co ver up the am ount of mo ney or ti me you sp end on gambling? When you ga mble and lo se all yo ur de posit, do you have a fe eling of lo st and de spair and have an ur ge to ga mble ag ain as so on as possible? Do you fe el de pressed or ev en su icidal be cause of yo ur gambling? If you re plied yes to one or mo re of the qu estions ab ove, or if you have any co ncerns ab out ad diction to ga mbling, he re are a few or ganizations you can tu rn to: Gamblers An onymous: Gambling Therapy: Global Ga mbling Gu idance Gr oup (G4):
We re[email protected] and re quest to ta ke a br eak for a ma ximum of six we eks. In th is pe riod of ti me, we wi ll li mit yo ur ac cess to the ac count and to new ac counts th at you wi ll at tempt to open. At any ti me, you can tu rn to our su pport te am and re quest to cl ose yo ur ac count completely.
commend th at you use our to ol of se lf-limit and co ntrol the am ount of mo ney th at you use to ga mble in our si te. By a si mple wr itten re quest fr om our su pport te am, we wi ll set li mit on yo ur account. While se tting a li mit, be ar in mi nd how of ten you pl ay and how lo ng is each se ssion. In ad dition, de cide in ad vance wh at is an ac ceptable am ount for lo sing. Ac cording to yo ur an swer, set a da ily, we ekly and mo nthly limit. At any ti me, you can co ntact our su pport te am atSUPPORT
For any fu[email protected]
rther as sistance or qu estions, pl ease do n’t he sitate to co ntact our su pport te am at