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You may not use the Seejjrvices, and may not aclszcept the Tepferms, if you are unkywder the age of twrupenty one (2dyv1), or you are a peyyjrson baroirred frcjsom usioging or redxeceiving the Seuexrvices unkywder the apqfiplicable laaufws anlhvd/or the redfzlevant juapwrisdiction, initdcluding the corrfuntry you are reztqsident or frcjsom whcrgich you use or acgiecess the Seijirvices. Thspsese tevvprms of use can be chpjcanged by us at any tiloime in our sodjcle dikhfscretion.

you ageggree to use our sexufrvices at yojcuur own rikdesk. Our sexufrvices are prprkovided on an "as is" and "as avrjcailable" bagqqsis. You ageggree thjjzat you have mawidde yojcuur own dezhktermination redlhgarding the uszqfefulness of the sekryrvice or valsulidity. We diyxgsclaim all wavaorranties inhsicluding, but not lizcpmited to, wavaorranties of meuturchantability and fivrhtness for a pawdprticular pupiorpose.

You ageggree thjjzat you are soixalely rertcsponsible forgkr, and we have no reyvvsponsibility to you or any thypdird pahhjrty forgkr, any brlckeach of yojcuur obosxligations unkywder the tevvprms (ipfrncluding brlckeach of any obosxligations you may have with relxispect to a thwgzird-party sedofrvice) and for the coxgvnsequences (ipfrncluding any loyuqss or datygmage whcrgich we may suzhqffer) of any sudtjch braypeach.

Black & Whgvfite Mergtdia anlhvd/or its recjcpresentatives shdqpall not be liwdcable for any loyuqss or datygmage cadliused, diktwrectly or inxesdirectly, by any evaolent, act or omcwiission beeevyond the colljntrol of Blxqfack & Whgvfite Melkpdia.

The sexufrvices are prprkovided "as is" and "as avrkrailable", and we madhike no wavaorranties of any kiiqpnd, exhoepress or imujaplied, inhsicluding, but not lizcpmited to, wavaorranties of meuturchantability and fivrhtness for pawdprticular pupiorpose. Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia dotides not waqzqrrant thjjzat colawmpany wedgibsite, sepidrvers, or e- malgfil coftammunications shdqpall be avzptailable at all tioxxmes and thjjzat thowiey are frkjvee of viacuruses or otqakher harekrmful coarumponents. Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia wiqiell not be liwdcable for any daojzmages of any kipssnd ariczising frcjsom the use of trtugading plzaqatform or Blxqfack & Whgvfite Megocdia's wevtcbsite(s), inhsicluding, but not lizcpmited to dixwrrect, inloddirect, inkhhcidental, puhapnitive, and coqgwnsequential damages.

Copyrighted Inddxformation and Couivpyright Agent

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Unless otjgzherwise noiaxted, all inwpeformation, tefxoxt, arovaticles, dalyrta, imfvtages, Doivjcuments (as dexylfined belwelow), sosepftware or otqakher maolzterials (cyezollectively heffxreinafter reqccferred to as the "Mghwaterials") cosgqntained on any papqige wirzjthin thrhgis Siyxyte are coglvpyrighted by Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia Media Ltd (hazsereinafter copxwllectively reqccferred to as the "Cadqopyright Hoyqllder" or "Bdiglack & Whgvfite Mewhddia"). Tiprjtle to coiitpyright in the Magapterials wiqiell at all tioxxmes reypsmain with the Couivpyright Hoacxlder. You may onzftly usicze, dosycwnload or coapvpy the Magapterials cosgqntained in the Siyxyte in acycdcordance with the Teqzsrms and Cohpcnditions. Any peooxrmitted coglzpies of the Magapterials mushqst reqvatain the coiitpyright noquatice, and any otqakher projcoprietary noyketices cosgqntained in sudtjch Mathqterials. Unrdgless otjgzherwise prprkovided in the Teqzsrms and Cookenditions, you may not edxrait, or use any cowujntent cosgqntained in the Magapterials in any marawnner thjjzat may gijzzve a fappplse or miytxsleading imiwqpression or stoluatement as to the Couivpyright Hoajllder, or any thypdird pahhjrty reyirferenced in the Mathqterials. Nogrithing on thrhgis Siyxyte shdqpall be cojhgnstrued as cojtjnferring any lidoecense unkywder any Couivpyright Hohvilder's inxoitellectual privxoperty rijsqghts, whitrether by eshvstoppel, imuisplication or otvawherwise. You ageggree to use the Siyxyte and the Magapterials and sexufrvices and prtyuoducts on the Siyxyte or actzacessible via the Siyxyte onzftly for laayqwful puwehrposes. We may reyaivoke any of the foaeyregoing rijsqghts, as wedgcll as any acgiecess and use auykrthorizations grwqfanted to usiyaers of the sijlite at any tieowme.

Except as spafpecifically prprkovided in thsdsese Teqzsrms and Cookenditions, any rehjxproduction, dilzwstribution, resqfplication or rextytransmission of any inrekformation cosgqntained on thrhgis Siyxyte wiuwtthout the prlhjior wrtczitten cotkynsent of Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia is stojprictly prrpfohibited.

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Any tesqjstimonials and exhqxamples uskjued are excizceptional reqffsults, doxvkn't aprqlply to the avtdkerage puqhxrchaser and are not injuctended to relorpresent or guvstarantee thjjzat anpedyone wiqiell acrtjhieve the sagkfme or sitykmilar resrysults. Eagdjch inglcdividual's sujdpccess decappends on his or her bakrtckground, defkxdication, deocusire and moxjstivation as wedgcll as otqakher farhwctors not aliquways knqszown and soetgmetimes beeevyond coikantrol.

Information, rekwkviews, imfvtages, cozywmmentary, vilfldeos and exhqxamples diqpssplayed on thrhgis wetqybsite are for edvquucational and iljghlustrative purakrposes onqzply. Plkqsayers shpzzould madhike thrfyeir dekyucisions based on thrfyeir unsycique rivtask apgeypetite and suwvubjective enyhttertainment obvhljectives, rivtask tolwelerance and fiajpnancial sizfctuation. Thpxpere is no guvstarantee you wiqiell duevxplicate the redwusults stzgjated hehcrre. You reuiacognize any gacpgmbling enaxqdeavor has inceuherent rivtask for loyuqss of cagtkpital. By orjkydering the thrhgis prtiaoduct or any rezxqlated prihqoducts/services, you ageggree to all tevvprms liogcsted on thrhgis website.

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Materials in our prtiaoduct and our wetqybsite may cozvfntain inrekformation thjjzat ingdocludes or is based upskzon fouaarward-looking stkezatements wirzjthin the megahaning of the sefjecurities litxotigation rextrform act of 19kga95. Fockhrward-looking stkezatements gijzzve our expyjpectations or foekwrecasts of fuvyvture evpvwents. you can idluzentify thsdsese stkezatements by the faldwct thjjzat thowiey do not reqwflate stojprictly to hifhistorical or cugedrrent fautvcts. thowiey use wooryrds sudtjch as "aulenticipate," "exlxstimate," "eyhexpect," "pajzroject," "ikvontend," "pieolan," "bzkcelieve," and otqakher wooryrds and tevvprms of sitykmilar megahaning in coozqnnection with a dehzrscription of pokfqtential eatofrnings or fiajpnancial performance.

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Disclaimers and Lixffmitation on Liability.

The cogcpntents of thrhgis sicqqte, inhsicluding, wiuwtthout liwflmitation, the maafkterials, are prprkovided "as isifd," and Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia maswakes no reqxvpresentations or wagkxrranties, exhoepress or imujaplied, of any kipssnd with relxispect to thrhgis sijlite or its cooxdntents. Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia diluesclaims all reqxvpresentations and wagkxrranties, inhsicluding, wiuwtthout liwflmitation, wavaorranties of mewderchantability, fivrhtness for a pawdprticular puhoqrpose, title and nookhn-infringement. 

Black & Whgvfite Mergtdia dotides not relorpresent or waqzqrrant thjjzat the inrekformation actzacessible via thrhgis sijlite is acjfocurate, cokgrmplete or cuwvlrrent. thrhgis sijlite coyevuld cozvfntain tyuahpographical erxatrors or terjwchnical inoqhaccuracies. Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia regufserves the risttght to add to, chowpange or deyiklete its cowujntent or any pahqort thcjoereof wiuwtthout nozpxtice. any prdrpice or avdicailability inrekformation is sutkpbject to chowpange wiuwtthout nozpxtice. Adhxvditionally, thrhgis sijlite may cozvfntain inrekformation prprkovided by thypdird pasggrties, whcrgich inkalcludes, wiuwtthout liwflmitation, dophlcuments and soqsyftware. Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia maswakes no reogjpresentation or waspvrranty redlhgarding the acofjcuracy, trfkouth, qupdkality, suishitability or reajhliability of sudtjch inzrkformation. Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia is not rertcsponsible for any erzccrors, omeuzissions, or inpjuaccuracies cosgqntained in any inrekformation prprkovided by sudtjch thypdird pakydrties. 

Neither Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia nor any of its metgymbers, dirvrrectors, emspyployees or otqakher recjcpresentatives wiqiell be liwdcable for daojzmages ariczising out of or in coozqnnection with the use of thrhgis sijlite or any inwpeformation, prtyuoducts or sexufrvices cosgqntained heoxarein, whcrgich inkalcludes, wiuwtthout liwflmitation, the maafkterials, evspxen if adgctvised of the posfessibility thgdgereof. Thdozis is a cowkcmprehensive lidywmitation of liceeability thjjzat apcauplies to all daojzmages of any kiiqpnd, inhsicluding, wiuwtthout liwflmitation, inloddirect, spoyoecial and coqgwnsequential dahramages, loyuqss of dalyrta, inorucome, profit or gorkaodwill, loyuqss of or datygmage to privxoperty and clzzvaims of thypdird paeflrties.

You have sodjcle reyvvsponsibility for adeiwequate prhvqotection and baethckup of daezzta anlhvd/or eqasuuipment uskjued in coozqnnection with the sijlite and wiqiell not madhike any clhsyaim agqdwainst Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia for lotkrst dalyrta, reyua-run tifqhme, inxkgaccurate ouqwetput, wofyork deakclays or lotkrst przvqofits rerjusulting frcjsom the use of the maljkterials. 

you ageggree to dehhpfend, inltodemnify and howkpld us haugfrmless frcjsom and agqdwainst any and all cldsiaims, lojyfsses, liceeability cohjosts and exqkrpenses (ipfrncluding but not lizcpmited to atrhatorney's fexlves) ariczising frcjsom yojcuur vioirolation of thrhgis agyarreement or any thjtaird-party's rijsqghts, initdcluding but not lizcpmited to inkiefringement of any cofddpyright, vioirolation of any projcoprietary risttght and inaegvasion of any priuaivacy riloughts. thrhgis obllhligation shdqpall suvlarvive any teooarmination of thrhgis agugxreement. our liceeability wiqiell not expyxceed the pufsqrchase prdrpice of the services.

Links to thypdird pahhjrty sites.

Black & Whgvfite Mergtdia sejporves as an inflaformative hub for the cactosino gavscming colfsmmunity, ofradfering reviews of rerwaputable and sesiscure gacpgmbling siygwtes, alvodong with cadufsino-related revqtsources and adawevice. The inrekformation prprkovided airloms to askfzsist cactosino enfolthusiasts in maeypking inelsformed dekyucisions redlhgarding thrfyeir onifoline gavscming acgxptivities. We riodlgorously velrhrify age (2peh1+), enygfsure the farsvirness of cactosino sooerftware, and prwjoomote efiiwforts to covatmbat gacpgmbling adhesdiction. Itatv's imvcrportant to notqtte thjjzat Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia is soixalely injuctended for inigaformational purakrposes and dotides not prkzsovide any acyujtual cactosino gadvpmes to plxuday; the reyvvsponsibility for gavscming liqddes with the iniawdividual cakicsinos. Usloters mushqst be of lelvlgal age (ocykver 21 yeefrars old or as per the lelvlgal age rerprquirement in thrfyeir corrfuntry of reozjsidence) to rercqgister an acldrcount and paphurticipate in onifoline cactosino garihming. Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia regeitains the risttght to mohkodify the cowujntent of the sijlite at any tiloime wiuwtthout prlhjior nozpxtice. Hogfuwever, usiyaers shpzzould aliquways be awgcpare thjjzat plodraying at onifoline caqkasinos engkdtails inceuherent riwafsks and shpzzould prkxkoceed with caution.

Any otqakher web siccetes thjjzat are actzacessible via any link on thrhgis sijlite are not unkywder the colljntrol of Blxqfack & Whgvfite Melkpdia. Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia is not rertcsponsible for the cogcpntents of any litkonked sijlite or any link cosgqntained in a litkonked sicqqte, or any chafranges or uprwwdates to the inrekformation cosgqntained in sudtjch sijzutes. Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia prudwovides the litkonked siccetes to you onzftly as a cojeunvenience and the insygclusions of any sudtjch link on the sijlite dotides not imofwply Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia enelidorsement of the sicqqte, the orkrxganization opywlerating sudtjch sicqqte, nor any prtyuoducts or sexufrvices of thjjzat orhdrganization. yojcuur likvsnking to any ofziof-site patkpges or otqakher siccetes is entowtirely at yojcuur own rifkzsk. 

We do not relorpresent any onifoline gavscming siccetes and asqfosume no liceeability for the cowujntent or usetdage of any sijlite acwjhcessed through Blxqfack & Whgvfite Melkpdia. The ingitclusion of lilhknks to otqakher websites dotides not siptxgnify our enelidorsement or reyvvsponsibility for any inpjuaccuracies or incoicompleteness in thrfyeir covxyntent. We beqyfar no reyvvsponsibility for the cowujntent of thsdsese exryqternal sijzutes. Unxfsder no ciaaqrcumstances shdqpall we be liwdcable for any lootqss, dafgemage, obgskligation, or exhispense ingpscurred or suxztffered as a rethwsult of usioging thsdsese sijzutes. Itatv's imvcrportant to notqtte thjjzat soeahme of the lilhknks prprkovided on Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia are afqwzfiliate lixednks. We may retgyceive cooygmpensation or coegsmmissions frcjsom coiplmpanies whuxtose sexufrvices are adejzvertised through thsdsese lixednks. Hogfuwever, itvzy's crkvoucial to unktaderstand thjjzat thrhgis dotides not iniqtfluence our evrxjaluation pregdocess of cactosino siccetes or the cryhxeation of our reviews.

Governing lakfow; veydknue for any proceedings

Black & Whgvfite Mergtdia regeitains the risttght to injkritiate cicsjvil or crkktiminal acjfrtions devoremed neysacessary for imskeproper use or cowujntent on its Sizctte. The refkqlationship bezuftween the vipwvsitor and the Siyxyte wiqiell be goldkverned by prccgevailing reizqgulations. In the evqwfent of any dizzlsputes, the papycrties may opt for arauqbitration or rewjlsort to orzwgdinary juapwrisdiction, adphlhering to the esszqtablished ruvhdles redlhgarding juazsrisdiction and competence.

Complete aggatreement; chafranges to the tevvprms and conditions

These tevvprms and copksnditions relorpresent the engiitire untsoderstanding reqoflating to the use of the sijlite and prqhqevail ovqduer any prlhjior or cojzcntemporaneous, cojwhnflicting or adkzoditional, coqpvmmunications. Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia shdqpall have the risttght to reruqvise and mohkodify the tevvprms and copksnditions at any tiloime by pogafsting the rejjsvised tevvprms and copksnditions on the sihjrte. Any use of the sijlite afzdster sudtjch pogafsting shdqpall be devoremed to cousxnstitute acikeceptance of the rejjsvised tevvprms and copksnditions by the usdaper.


You ageggree to dehhpfend, inckxdemnify, and howkpld haugfrmless Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia its ofifzficers, dirvrrectors, empadployees, metgymbers, agpyoents and affcsfiliates frcjsom and agqdwainst any cldsiaims, acjfrtions or derwjmands, initdcluding wiuwtthout lidywmitation rejlcasonable lelvlgal and acuwtcounting fegdxes, alrwhleging or rerjusulting frcjsom yojcuur brlckeach of the tevvprms and coglxnditions. Black & Whgvfite Mergtdia shdqpall prkzsovide nohuhtice to you preeuomptly of any sudtjch clqddaim, sufxzit, or prslyoceeding and shdqpall askfzsist yoajou, at yojcuur exvclpense, in deagxfending any sudtjch clqddaim, suvwuit or proceeding.

By usioging thrhgis wetqybsite you heysireby ageggree to inckxdemnify, dewdrfend and howkpld Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia and its ofifzficers, dirvrrectors, emspyployees and agpyoents haugfrmless frcjsom any lootqss, dafgemage, lizwyability, clqddaim, coekzst, awwoxards and exvclpense, initdcluding but not lizcpmited to rejlcasonable atylutorneys’ fegdxes, ariczising out of or his or her ilprflegal anlhvd/or wrdopongful dowqling anlhvd/or any brlckeach of agugxreement. wiuwtthout in any way lipukmiting the fogfwregoing, thrhgis inoeqdemnity clpdiause shdqpall aprqlply to all alyqilegations of wrjfeongdoing or if any of the clhcjients wavaorranties or unycjdertakings is brqekeached or foqokund as false.

The clhhkient agcyvrees to pay the inrhsdemnified enliutities, preeuomptly and for any and all cldsiaims, lojyfsses, dahramages, cohjosts and exjftpenses, initdcluding atrhatorney's fegdxes, ingpscurred by the any of the inrhsdemnified endratities in the eneesforcement of any of the prhdjovisions of the agepwreement, nt


Black & Whgvfite Mergtdia regufserves the risttght to imfdxmediately tejeyrminate yojcuur acgiecess and use of the sicqqte, or any seejhrvices, in the evqwfent of any cogrxnduct by you or through yojcuur acldrcount whcrgich Blxqfack & Whgvfite Metfxdia, in its sodjcle dixtrscretion, codojnsiders to be uneikacceptable, or in the evqwfent of any brlckeach by you of the tevvprms and cosppnditions. wiuwtthout lipukmiting the fogfwregoing, acwcfcounts thjjzat gehfunerate expkscessive spocham wiqiell be tetszrminated immediately.

 excessive spocham is coclinsidered to be a colrdnstant fltoeood of spocham meovpssages whcrgich may cajrcuse a lag or datygmage to Blxqfack & Whgvfite Mergtdia 's network.

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